1. Definitions of certain terms. Abbreviations

Website – any of the websites www.autonet.ro, www.autonet-group.ro, www.autonet-group.com, www.webcat.ro, www.webcat-solutions.com, www.fastcat.ro or any other sites that inform Visitors/Users that this privacy policy applies to them. In the situation where in this document express reference is made only to one/some of the sites indicated above, that reference will be considered to be limiting.

Autonet, Seller - AUTONET IMPORT S.R.L., a company that is organized and operates in accordance with Romanian law, with headquarters in the municipality of Satu Mare, str. Aurel Vlaicu no. 78, Satu Mare county, Romania, postal code 440122, registered at the Trade Registry under no. J30/494/1996, CUI 8539532.

Visiting the Site - connecting to the Site without performing any of the following operations: Authentication, making Orders.

Use of the Site - performing at least one of the following operations: Authentication, placing an Order.

Registration – creation and activation of the User Account, after completing all the necessary operations, as indicated in this document.

Authentication - the process of verifying the User's identity. It is done by entering the Username and Password. Correct authentication opens the possibility of using the User Account by the person who authenticated.

Visitor – person and/or IP address. (Internet Protocol) who accesses the Site and who does not have the capacity of User. User – means a person/entity that Uses the Site.

Client or Buyer - a legal person or an entity without legal personality, who have the quality of "professional" in the meaning given to this notion of art. 3 Civil Code and who, according to the law, has the capacity to conclude legal acts, and who has sent at least one Order. The notion excludes natural persons ("consumers" within the meaning of the law).

User Account – individual access account to the websites www.webcat.ro, www.webcat-solutions.com and to the FastCat Application, whose components are the Username and Password.

User Name - a string of characters created by the User Account Holder, the purpose of which is to identify the User Account Holder in relation to other account holders.

Password - a string of characters that has a secret character, being created and known by the User Account Holder, intended to ensure access to the user account only after Login.

User Account Holder (or TCU) – the person/entity who created the User Account (whose data was provided in the Registration process).

The Seller's Electronic Catalogue, WebCat – the computer program available on the websites www.webcat.ro, www.webcat-solutions.com, through which the Products are displayed for sale and through which Orders can be placed. The Seller's electronic catalog can only be accessed by Customers holding a User Account.

Order – proposal addressed to the Seller by the Customer through which the latter expresses his will to conclude a sales contract, with the nomination (selection) of the Products that the Customer wishes to buy.

Product - movable good sold by the Seller. Each assortment is assigned an identification code.

TCUS – these Site Terms and Conditions of Use

2. General Rules Regarding the Site

2.1.The use of the Site must be done in compliance with the provisions of these TCUS.

2.2. Autonet owns the intellectual property rights to the Site.

2.2. The following are prohibited: reproduction and/or distribution without Autonet's permission of the content of the Site, its unauthorized modification, subjecting the Site to computer attacks, accessing/using it in a way that may lead to its malfunctioning or blocking.

2.3. Violation of the rules for accessing/using the Site may be sanctioned by Autonet, including by restricting or blocking access to the Site.

2.4. Visiting/Using the Website will be carried out in accordance with the legislation in force and with the provisions of TCUS and in such a way as not to affect the proper functioning of the Website.

2.5. Visitors/Users are obliged to consult the TCUS and to conduct themselves in accordance with the requirements contained in the TCUS.

2.6. Autonet has the right to modify the content of the Site at any time it considers it appropriate to do so and whenever it considers that its interests demand the making of modifications.

2.7. Any unauthorized conduct may be sanctioned, including the suspension or cancellation of any user account. In the case of payments for the use of certain services offered on a subscription basis, the suspension or cancellation of the account does not entitle the User to recover the paid subscription.

2.8. Visitors/Users have the right to use the forms on the Site (for example: request for offer, service, complaints, return of goods) for the purposes for which they were published on the Site.

2.9. Autonet makes available to its customers several facilities/services as will be shown below (the list is not exhaustive).

a) The electronic catalog of the Seller/WebCat, which allows customers to:

searching and identifying Products. In the case of the vehicle spare parts identification function based on the chassis series, the results are provided by YQ Service, s.r.o., a Slovakian company with registration number 47490934 and registered office at Vozárova 5, 040 17 Košice-Juh, Slovakia . Autonet is not responsible for the accuracy of the information presented by YQ Service, s.r.o. nor for compliance by YQ Service, s.r.o. of the intellectual property rights of original equipment manufacturers;

ordering selected spare parts;

selecting your billing details, preferred payment method and preferred delivery method;

WebCat subscriptions. To use the technical data from WebCat, a quarterly subscription is charged under the following conditions: Autodata Premium Subscription: installation times + inspection data + technical data.

b) Autonet Service Manager service

Autonet Service Manager is a software application exclusively dedicated to car repair units. For details, please contact your Autonet sales representative. For the Autonet Service Manager service, the rates established according to the agreements between the parties are charged.

c) ApplyFastCat

The FastCat app is designed for smartphones and tablets. The FastCat application allows:

requesting offers regarding the Products;

ordering selected spare parts.

FastCat application can be downloaded for free from www.fastcat.ro website.

d)redirection to Garage Assist forms

Garage Assist forms are used for the installation of service equipment and for various notifications.

For details, please contact your Autonet sales representative.

2.10. Autonet has no control over the contents of websites over which Autonet does not hold any rights, which can be accessed through links on the Site. These links are intended to facilitate the access of Site Visitors/Users to those sites. Autonet is not responsible for the content and/or operation of these sites over which Autonet has no control.

3. Special rules and procedures applicable to the electronic www.webcat.ro/Catalogului website ofthe V nztiontor (WebCat)

3.1. Via the www.webcat.ro and www.webcat-solutions.com websites, the Seller's Electronic Catalog (WebCat) can be accessed, which includes the products offered for sale by the Seller as a distributor who makes wholesale trade documents of parts and accessories for all-terrain vehicles, Product codes, Product code search program, bidding program, order program. The programs and applications found in the contents of the website www.webcat.ro are the property of DVSE Gesellschaft für Datenverarbeitung, Service und Entwicklung mbH, a German company based in Lise-Meitner-Str. 4, D-22941 Bargteheide. These programs and applications are used within the websites www.webcat.ro and www.webcat-solutions.com based on licenses granted to Autonet by the holder of the intellectual property rights. The intellectual property rights and the license right held by Autonet are not transferred to the Visitors/Users of the Site as a result of Visiting/Using this site, and the latter are obliged not to infringe these rights. By using the programs/applications, the User acknowledges the intellectual property rights on the programs/applications and undertakes to respect these intellectual property rights. The user is responsible for compliance with these conditions of use and rights by his agents/agents/delegates.

3.2. In order to have access to the Electronic Catalog of the Seller it is necessary that:

The user must have previously registered; The User expressly accepts the TCUS, as well as the Privacy Policy published on the Site. Completing these formalities has the value of full and freely consented acceptance of the provisions of the TCUS and is carried out by ticking the text referring to acceptance;

The user must authenticate by pressing the "Log in" field.

3.3. The User's password and data can be changed at any time by the User Account Holder (TCU), after accessing the User Account and after Login;

3.4. The person providing data to Autonet, including for the purpose of Registration, is obliged to provide real and accurate data. Autonet is not responsible for the provision by the User/Client of unreal or inaccurate data.

3.5. TCU is obliged to update the data provided to Autonet.

3.6. TCU is responsible for the way it manages the User Account.

3.7. Ordering Products from the Seller's Electronic Catalog can only be done after the User/Client has previously authenticated.

3.8. After Authentication, the User/Customer will be able to select the Products they intend to order and will be able to submit the order. Sending the order has the value of sending a firm purchase offer.

3.9. TCU is responsible to the Seller for all orders made through the User Account, all orders thus made being considered as validly transmitted and, at the same time, opposed to it. TCU has exclusive control over the User Account and is fully and unconditionally responsible for entrusting the User Name and/or Password to other persons. The liability of TCU defined above does not remove the liability of other persons who caused damage to the Seller through non-compliant/unauthorized use of the User Account.

4. Rules and Special procedures concerning the application of the FastCat Application

4.1. In order for FastCat  to  be used, it is necessary that:

The FastCat application has been installed on a smartphone or tablet device;

The User must have a User Account (Registration has been completed); The User expressly accepts the TCUS, as well as the Privacy Policy published on the Site. Completing these formalities has the value of full and freely consented acceptance of the provisions of the TCUS and is carried out by ticking the text referring to acceptance;

The user must authenticate by pressing the "Log in" .

4.2. In order to obtain offers from the Seller, the User will scan the vehicle's registration certificate and upload the resulting file to the FastCat Application. After uploading this file, the FastCat Application will only process chassis serial information. No personal data will be processed.

4.3. Based on the information resulting from the processing of the vehicle chassis series, the Seller will send offers to the User.

4.4. Ordering Products through the FastCat Application can only be done after the User/Customer has previously authenticated.

4.5. After Authentication, the User/Customer will select the Products they intend to order, complete and submit the order.

4.6. TCU is responsible to the Seller for all orders made through the FastCat Application, all orders thus made being considered as validly transmitted and, at the same time, opposed to it. TCU has exclusive control over the User Account and is fully and unconditionally responsible for entrusting the User Name and/or Password to other persons. The liability of TCU defined above does not remove the liability of other persons who caused damage to the Seller through non-compliant/unauthorized use of the User Account.

4.7. The provisions of art. 3.2-3.6 apply accordingly TCUS.

5. Limitation of Autonet liability

5.1. Autonet does not guarantee that the Site will function uninterrupted or that it is free of defects. Autonet is not responsible for damages caused as a result of the non-functioning, in whole or in part, of the Site. In the case of services offered through the Site on a subscription basis, if the services cannot be accessed during the periods agreed by the parties, the subscribers will be entitled to a proportional reduction of the subscription fee, according to the same contractual terms.

5.2. Visitors/Users are exclusively responsible for procuring the necessary equipment to access the Site. Visitors/Users are responsible for how they configure their equipment and/or IT programs through which they access/use the Site. Visitors/Users must use their own virus protection software.

5.3. To the maximum extent permitted by law, Autonet's liability for any damage suffered by Visitors/Users of the Site, in connection with Visiting/Using the Site, is excluded. In all situations in which Autonet's patrimonial liability could be engaged, it will be limited to repairing the directly caused damage. If the agreements between the parties provide for a greater limitation of Autonet's liability, those provisions that provide for a greater limitation of Autonet's liability shall prevail over the provisions of the TCUS.

6. Cookies files

6.1. For more information on the use of cookies you can consult the Cookie Safety Policy published on the Site (Cookie Policy). At the same time, you have the possibility to make settings related to cookies (Cookie settings).

7. Politics of confidentiality

7.1. For more information on Autonet's privacy policy, you can consult the Privacy Policy published on the Site (Privacy Policy). This is the version dated 25.01.2024, the date of the last modification. General purchase terms and conditions of Autonet Import SRL Here you can view the General Purchase Terms and Conditions of Autonet Import SRL.